2024 Advisory Committee Elections - Final list of candidates

pexels element5 1550337This year, new Advisory Council Officers (ACOs) will be elected for the 2024-2027 term. The elections will take place online ahead of the Advisory Committee (AdCom) meetings, which will be held alongside the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly in November 2024 in Ouro Preto, Brazil.  



In all, three National Committee Officers (NCOs) and three Scientific Council Officers (SCOs) will be elected - and among them, a President and Vice-President of the Advisory Committee will be elected.

Following the call for candidatures issued to National and International Scientific Committees on 18 June, the final list of candidates is now available.  

Preliminary list of candidates (in alphabetical order)

Renate Bornberg (in English)
Vice-president of ICOMOS Austria
Running for the position of National Committee Officer

Lassana Cissé (in French)
Designated representative of the International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH)
Running for the position of Scientific Council Officer

Kerime Danis (in English)
Former President of Australia ICOMOS, National Committee Officer (2023-2024)
Running for the position of National Committee Officer
If elected in the first round, runs for the position of President of the Advisory Committee

Verónica Casanovas González (in Englishin Frenchin Spanish)
Designated representative of the International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness (ICORP)

Running for the position of Scientific Council Officer

Nancy Pollock-Ellwand (in English)
Vice-president (ISCCL-IFLA), Scientific Council Officer (2023-2024)

Running for the position of Scientific Council Officer
If elected in the first round, runs for the position of Vice-president of the Advisory Committee

Jordi Tresserras (in Englishin Frenchin Portuguese, in Spanish)
Former President of ICOMOS Spain

Running for the position of National Committee Officer

Kai Weise (in English)
Former President of ICOMOS Nepal
Running for the position of National Committee Officer